I just started to work here and I have been asking for a man’s shirt but they keep giving me the ones with those things—what are they called? You know, to make it look like your boobs are bigger (interviewer: darts?). Yeah, I think that is it. They are like seams in the shirt that make it kind of poof out?
I saved up for 7 years to have top surgery and so it really upsets me. My manager says he understands and has ordered me 2 new uniforms, but both of them are for women. I tried using scissors to cut the threads out, but they look horrible and I’m probably going to have to pay for the shirt now.
It is humiliating and I feel like it is really setting me back. My friends say I should just quit, but it’s not easy for someone like me to get a job. I think it will be easier in another year or two but right now it would be really hard. My confidence is shot to hell