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Story Six

Have you ever looked at the guys’ uniforms and then the ones we have to wear? They aren’t given ones that are so tight they can barely breathe. They won’t hire fat girls either. They say they don’t have uniforms in elephant sizes. I mean, they don’t say that to their faces, but they say it when they leave from an interview. And they sure never tell the guys to unbutton the top button on their shirts. There are always jokes about how you get bigger tips if you wear a push up bra or open your shirt. Of course, those are the guys joking about the woman. And yeah, it affects you especially when it never stops. You are always waiting for the next thing so you’re kind of tense. You hear them talking about one of the other workers behind their back and you wonder what they say about you when you aren’t there. I’m always kind of jumpy and make more mistakes than I should…like when I dropped a tray of drinks on my foot and it was so swollen I couldn’t get my shoe on for more than a week. And one time I was slicing lemons and limes for the bar and cut the end of my finger almost off. All my boss was worried about was whether he would have to throw out the tray I was filling