I was in a really bad car wreck. The windshield blew in and I was cut up really bad and I had this scar going straight across my face. I have a lot of makeup on now, but I am sure you can still see it because it is hard to cover up. I guess it won’t ever go away but that’s ok. I don’t really want to look like nothing ever happened.
But I had to go into work not so long after because we had to pay our bills and my shift manager told me to go and put makeup on my scar because customers didn’t want to look up from their seats and see Frankenstein. I told him I couldn’t put anything on it until it had healed more but he told me I’d have to work in supply if I didn’t. We don’t get tips in supply and I needed them. I got some really thick pancake makeup and put it on. It hurt so bad and he still said I was going to make us all lose tips because of how I looked. He made jabs at me for months until I finally was able to get leave and then I found another job.
The doctor at the clinic said my scar wasn’t healing right because I kept messing with it, but it was because I had to put that stuff on my face and then almost peel it off every night. I was crying all the time when I wasn’t at work and couldn’t sleep thinking about having to go back to work each day on top of everything else going on in my life. I don’t remember having bad accidents at work or anything, but I would like walk into the corner of a door or wall a lot, not paying enough attention, I guess. I had black and blue marks a lot of the time.